
המדריך למאמצים גור חתולים

The correct treatment of kittens and satisfying all their needs on all levels – physiological, behavioral and mental – are critical for being happy, healthy and sociable cats

Written by: Rivi Mayer, Cat Behavior Expert

The stage at which cats are still young is the most important for their development— much like any other living creature, and the first few weeks and months should not be taken lightly.

A lot of attention is required for a kitten, if you want him to grow up to be a cheerful adult cat free of different types of behavioral problems.


What not to do

Game habits

Kittens that we play with using our hands, will grow up to be cats scratching every hand and leg they encounter, and they will do so with all the force intended for hunting – that is, an action that will cause a lot of pain.  A very familiar phenomenon, isn’t it? Many people contact us for advice on what can be done with “their wild female cat who bites every time you reach out to pet her”.  These people do not associate at all this behavior to the habits that they themselves – or perhaps their children – have given the cat when she was a kitten, by playing with her with their own hands.

And what about the cats that only eat from the table??

Some people tend to feed the kittens in the kitchen, when they are young and still cannot jump on the table, and after a few months they are surprised when the cat – which in the meantime has grown – nags them every time they arrive in the kitchen, demanding food and doing so firmly and while jumping on every possible surface.

Cats are very smart animals and if we allow them something – they do not understand, after months – why we have actually changed our minds and we are angry about certain behaviors. For them, they insist on doing something that we had broadcast to them that it was perfectly acceptable.

So, the most important period to shape the cat’s behavior is in the first few weeks of his life – both when he is with his mother and then when he arrives at his permanent home.


And maybe we’ll start from the beginning

A kitten needs to be with his mother and siblings (littermates) until the age 12 weeks and not a day less! If we want the kitten to grow up in full mental and physical health, and be able to adopt pleasant behaviors – then he must be close to his mother and siblings until that age. Kittens learn proper behavior through viewing and experiencing – both with cats and with people.

The most important period for socialization for the kitten is between three and ten weeks, during which it is most important for him to be with his mother and siblings.

Loving people who are with them during this period will also have a positive impact on their future.

There is no doubt that there are occasions when you will adopt a kitten, which was not, for one or another reasons, with his mother for the proper period – and perhaps even will save his life by doing so. But – in such cases you must be much more open, alert, loving and understanding, in order to help the kitten to develop proper behaviors that will allow him to grow happily.

Congratulations! You have adopted a kitten for your heart and your home. You’ve taken care of vaccines and flea and worm treatments, and now what should you do at home so the kitten will develop happily?



Stable, clean dishes that is not too deep – both for dry food, for conserves and for water. Take care of cleaning and replacing dishes and food every single day without exception. The food and water bowls should stand in a clean, quiet place and with an easy passage and at the same time far from the sandbox.

Give the kitten food suitable for his age.

Make sure to feed the kitten only at the regular feeding place and always at regular times – at least twice a day and for especially young kittens as determined by the veterinarian.

Do not let the kitten have foods that are not suitable for his age – clarify all of this with a cat expert veterinarian.



Sandbox – spacious, extremely clean and not too deep when it comes to a kitten. Buy him a larger and deeper crate, as it grows – a large and deep plastic tub is the best recommendation, when the kitten is able to jump in easily. Make sure not to give the kitten too small and narrow crate.

In cases where he will find it difficult to do his needs in a crate – he may easily develop a behavior of doing needs outside the sandbox – and in different areas of the house – and this is not easy to reverse afterwards!

Make sure to place the sandbox in a right location – quiet, pleasant, calm and with a constantly easy passage.  Always make sure to keep the sandbox in a permanent place, and equally important – far from the food bowls.

The sandbox must be free of feces

If there is another cat in the house – it is important that each one has his own sandbox.



Toys, games, scratching facilities, carrying crate and cozy blankets –

Boredom is the cause of much of the problematic behaviors – and this can be prevented with a little thought in advance.

It is forbidden to play with kittens using your hands, in a direct form of attack.

Our body parts – are used by the cats only for soft, pleasant and positive attention – that is, for caresses, which mimic the pleasant licking of the mother cat. Hands are not designed to play directly with cats and especially not in sensitive areas like the abdomen.


We specifically recommend the accessories and games of the following types:

Different types of “fishing rods” which end with – a ball, a feather or a mouse with different textures, and it is always possible to add a catnip to this, if the cat likes this substance and is attracted to it. Make a habit of playing with your kitten every day for at least twenty minutes twice a day – it’s fun for everyone, and gives an importance feeling to the kitten for healthy growth.

Quality toy mice, as well as easily arranged balls – such as ping-pong, or from aluminum foil – which you will make sure to throw to them and after a while to hide until the next time – will make them very happy.

Also try this wonderful game – a crate with holes, in which delicious snacks or games can be hidden – to stimulate the cat’s curiosity and senses. A facility worthy of itching, climbing, playing and resting. This type of facility is of great importance to the well-being of the kitten at a young age and then as an adult.


The playing behaviors of the kittens are divided into a personal game – that is, the kitten with himself and especially with different objects in his habitat, as well as a social game – with us and other animals. Our job is to help them and teach them how to discharge this need for games effectively and positively – with a lot of creativity on our part. It is important not to prevent them from playing, and to do so whenever they wish and in the most complete way in terms of the kitten. At the same time –to teach and to direct them to the games that suit them, as well as us human beings.


At this point, we must make our sweeping recommendation regarding raising kittens – always do so with two – no matter what gender (male with female or two of the same gender). Two kittens together will provide each other with a great joy, playing and all their mental and behavioral needs – so that raising them at home will be extremely easy and pleasant. Kittens who grow up together will learn to play right and without excessive aggression. They will learn the right social and behavioral skills. Most importantly, they will provide each other with attention, love and a lot of emotional and mental satisfactions, that each kitten needs for proper growth.

Please – consider his desires and loves – do not impose anything on him! And also teach your children not to impose their will and needs on the kitten. Do not carry kittens all over the house or bring them to friends!!! Do not wake kittens from their sleep just to play with them and do not destroy their food, or any other “amusements” of kids.

Give the cat calmness, love, attention whenever he wants and however he wants it – and you will get a lovely kitten that will grow up to be a wonderful adult.


Good luck and a lot of shared happiness!