

We participated in an important conference run by MK Sharren Haskel, chairperson of the Knesset education committee, in charge of the animal protection law.

We sent out a clear message, explaining how the holding of chickens in cramped coops is abuse, pure and simple, both morally and legally, and in comparison to what is acceptable in the rest of the world.

After close to 20 years of fighting, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture have announced (with committing to a deadline) that they are working on drafting animal protection regulations that will prohibit the holding of laying hens in coops. Unfortunately, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the animal welfare section have said that until these regulations are drafted they do not consider the holding of chickens in battery cages to be abuse, in complete opposition to all the professional information that is known by all factors.

The committee has given the Ministry of Agriculture 6 weeks to give an update about the progress in submitting the regulations to the committee’s approval at the Knesset. We applaud the chairperson and the Ministry of Agriculture Oded Forer for promoting this issue, which should have been dealt with years ago!

We will continue to speak up for the animals and will keep you posted.